Évaluation : 3.05 / 5
The Soul Eater
Année : 2024-04-24
Genre : Crime, Horror, Thriller, Mystery
Réalisé: Alexandre Bustillo
Durée: 1 heures 48 min.
When the disappearance of children and bloody murders multiply in a small mountain village, an old legend shrouded in sulphur reappears... Commander Guardiano and Captain of the Gendarmerie De Rolan are forced to join forces to uncover the truth.
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Virginie Ledoyen
Paul Hamy
Sandrine Bonnaire
Malik Zidi
Emmanuel Lanzi
Christophe Favre
Francis Renaud
Elisabeth Duda
Lya Oussadit-Lessert
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Wendy Grenier
Emmanuel Bonami
Antoine Levannier
Oliver Bodart
Stéphane Dausse
Élia St-Pierre