Rate: 3.95 / 5
We Are Who We Are
Season: 1 Episode: 1
Year: 2020-09-14
Genre: Drama
Directed by: -
Duration: -
Two American kids who live on a U.S. military base in Italy explore friendship, first love, identity, and all the messy exhilaration and anguish of being a teenager.
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Chloë Sevigny
Jack Dylan Grazer
Alice Braga
Jordan Kristine Seamón
Spence Moore II
Kid Cudi
Faith Alabi
Francesca Scorsese
Benjamin L. Taylor II
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Tom Mercier
Chloë Sevigny
Alice Braga
Faith Alabi
Benjamin L. Taylor II
Tom Mercier
Tom Mercier
Chloë Sevigny
Faith Alabi
Alice Braga
Benjamin L. Taylor II
Corey Knight
Chloë Sevigny
Alice Braga
Spence Moore II
Benjamin L. Taylor II
Faith Alabi
Corey Knight
Tom Mercier