Rate: 2.5 / 5
Gold Digger
Season: 1 Episode: 2
Year: 2019-11-12
Genre: Drama
Directed by: Vanessa Caswill
Duration: 1 hr 0 min.
Gold Digger tells the story of wealthy 60 year old Julia as she falls in love with Benjamin, a man 25 years her junior. As this six part series progresses the impact their unconventional relationship has on her family is explored and the secrets of their past are revealed. Has Julia finally found the happiness she's always deserved? Or is Benjamin really the gold digger they think he is?
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Julia Ormond
Ben Barnes
Sebastian Armesto
Jemima Rooper
Archie Renaux
Alex Jennings
Nikki Amuka-Bird
Yasmine Akram
Julia McKenzie
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Indica Watson