Rate: 2.55 / 5
District 31
Season: 1 Episode: 81
Year: 2016-09-12
Genre: Crime, Drama
Directed by: -
Duration: -
After years of keeping his detectives at the headquarters, the Montreal PD has decided to reassign them to neighbourhood precincts in an effort to get closer to the population. Nadine Legrand and Patrick Bissonnette have to find their footing in their new work place: District 31.
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Vincent-Guillaume Otis
Sébastien Delorme
Gildor Roy
Patrick Labbé
Michel Charette
Catherine St-Laurent
Catherine Proulx-Lemay
Eve Landry
Sébastien Huberdeau
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Marc Fournier
Cynthia Wu-Maheux
Pascale Montpetit
Geneviève Brouillette