Rate: 4 / 5
Northwest Years
Season: 1 Episode: 1
Year: 2024-11-05
Genre: Drama
Directed by: Dong Yachun
Duration: -
Amid the upheaval of Chiang Kai-shek’s 1927 coup, young revolutionary Xi Zhongxun defies political terror and emerges as a leader. Inspired by Liu Zhidan’s uprising, he joins forces to establish the Shaanxi-Gansu Red Army. During the Anti-Japanese War, he strengthens the revolutionary base and fosters its development, earning Mao Zedong’s praise for his loyalty to the cause. After Japan’s surrender, Xi Zhongxun fiercely defends the Northwest, helping to lay a foundation for national progress.
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Yu Hewei
Ni Ni
Yan Bingyan
Hou XiangLing
Wang Wei Zhi
Hu Jun
Li Jian