Rate: 3.86 / 5
Year: 2023-03-15
Genre: Thriller, History, Drama
Directed by: Jon S. Baird
Duration: 1 hr 58 min.
In 1988, American video game salesman Henk Rogers discovers the video game Tetris. When he sets out to bring the game to the world, he enters a dangerous web of lies and corruption behind the Iron Curtain.
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Taron Egerton
Никита Ефремов
Софья Лебедева
Anthony Boyle
Ben Miles
Ken Yamamura
Igor Grabuzov
Oleg Shtefanko
Ayane Nagabuchi
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Roger Allam
Toby Jones
Miles Barrow
Алексей Шедько
Ayano Yamamoto
Nino Furuhata
Togo Igawa
Moyo Akandé
Bhav Joshi
Irina Kara
Greg Kolpakchi
Дмитрий Шаракоис
Ieva Andrejevaitė
Rob Locke
Matthew Marsh
Len Blavatnik
Aaron Vodovoz