Rate: 3.95 / 5
Meeting Snowden
Year: 2017-04-19
Genre: Documentary
Directed by: Flore Vasseur
Duration: 0 hr 49 min.
Moscow, Russia, December 2016. Edward Snowden, Larry Lessig and Birgitta Jónsdóttir meet for the first time in a secret place. Apparently, Russia is interfering in the US presidential elections while it mourns the death of its ambassador to Turkey. Snowden carefully chooses his interviews, so nobody really knows something about him. As the world prepares for Christmas, they gather to discuss the only issue that matters, their common struggle: how to save democracy.
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Marianne Denicourt
Birgitta Jónsdóttir
Lawrence Lessig
Edward Snowden
Laura Poitras
Glenn Greenwald
Barack Obama