Rate: 2.95 / 5
Year: 2010-01-01
Genre: Crime, Thriller, Comedy, Mystery
Directed by: Stephen Milburn Anderson
Duration: 1 hr 48 min.
A stroke of good luck turns lethal for Sam Phelan and his wife Leslie when they are faced with a life-changing decision that brings strange and sinister Pyke Kubic to their doorstep. As Pyke leads Sam and Leslie on a tumultuous adventure through the streets of Chicago, each are pulled deeper and deeper into a desperate spiral of deception and violence – all in the name of money.
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Sean Bean
Chris Hemsworth
Victoria Profeta
Thampy Antony
Mike Starr
Michael Mantell
Paul Sanchez
Peggy Roeder
Glenn Plummer
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Christian Stolte
Jacqueline Williams