Rate: 2.95 / 5
6 Days
Year: 2017-08-03
Genre: Action, Drama, History, Thriller
Directed by: Toa Fraser
Duration: 1 hr 34 min.
London, England, April 1980. Six terrorists assault the Embassy of Iran and take hostages. For six days, tense negotiations are held while the authorities decide whether a military squad should intervene.
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Jamie Bell
Abbie Cornish
Mark Strong
Martin Shaw
Emun Elliott
Ben Turner
Aymen Hamdouchi
Tim Pigott-Smith
Robert Portal
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Andrew Grainger
Martin Hancock
Colin Moy
Toby Leach
Xavier Horan
Te Kohe Tuhaka
William Chubb
Ronan Vibert
John Henshaw
Tim Downie
Sam Snedden
Mia Blake
Matthew Sunderland
Emma Campbell-Jones
Jared Turner
Calum Gittins
Ryan O'Kane
Fayssal Bazzi
Kenneth Collard
Nicholas Boulton
Michael Denkha
Scarlett Featherstone
Venice Harris
Marjan Gorgani
Jeff Szusterman
Phil Peleton
Kip Chapman
Scott Michael Wagstaff
Brady Powell
Jay Sutherland
Joel Beckett
Alan McElroy
Dominic Hughes
David Rumney
Robert Hartley
Eric Colvin
Sara Stone
Margaret Thatcher
Simon Elrahi
Glen Levy
Ghazaleh Golbakhsh
Andrew Lawrence
John Ramm